Example for German:
To translate main form:1. In your Windows Explorer open
C:\Program Files (x86)\StarBurn Software\StarBurn\Wizards\Lang_Shark directory, right click on the English_shark.xml file and select Copy popup menu item. Then right click and select Paste popup menu item. New file English_shark - Copy.xml will be created. Rename it to German_shark.xml.
2. First of all edit German_shark.xml file with Notepad replacing <Language name = "English"> to <Language name = "German">
3. German_shark.xml file includes several sting types.
It is necessary edit CDATA stings
and stings like
Optical drive can't be opened in exclusive mode. Some other application is using this device now.& #13;& #10;
If you want to continue burning without exclusive rights please press 'Yes', otherwise press 'No'.</Phrase>
Replacing only text stings (see bold text above) to its German equivalents but not ID values or comments. Text stings may contain special symbols like & #13; & #10; or %s or %d or similar that are replaced later by application with filenames, directory names (%s) or size, quantity (%d) values. You should not delete this special symbols.
4. To view your editing results you should save your German _shark.xml editing changes, exit StarBurn (right click on the tray icon and select Exit), launch it again and choose German language interface.
To translate wizards:1. In your Windows Explorer open
C:\Program Files (x86)\StarBurn Software\StarBurn\Wizards\lang directory, right click on the English.xml file and select Copy popup menu item. Then right click and select Paste popup menu item. New file English - Copy.xml will be created. Rename it to German.xml.
The other steps to edit file are the same as described above.
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