we're happy to announce we've released version 4.0.0 of our CD/DVD burning SDK. This version together with quite a lot of bugfixes has one huge step in forward: we've migrated from Visual C++ 7.0 compiler to Microsoft DDK 3790 compiler. This means in a counted weeks we'll be the only company offering CD/DVD burning solution natively supporting AMD64 Windows OS. So "i386" in the directory names would be soon accompanied with "amd64" directory

Our current customers would get AMD64 update free of charge (as a part of our free year of support and updates). So countdown began, hold on!
Also now we offer not only dynamic linking but also static linking. Offering to all of our customers (originally static linking was avaiable "on request" basis only to UNLIMITED version purchasers). For now you can skip having bunch of DLLs (OK, now this is one and only StarBurn.dll) with your own application distribution. ATTENTION! Static linking is not possible in case of using non-C compiler (Delphi). B/s there is no way to link to .lib static library files.
Also we've added StarWave compression/decompression library headers and static libraries. There is still lack of documentation and samples (StarWave would be separate toolkit soon, however StarBurn SDK would be shipped with StarWave SDK embedded) but headers are sell-documenting and quite easy. And you can always bug our support with questions
And finally we've managed to add build scripts to C and Delphi samples. No more crys "Oh, I cannot builde EXECUTABLEEEEEEES!!!"
OK. That's all for now. Happy programming and stay tuned!