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6 Factors to Consider while designing Data Center Cooling System

When it comes to measuring data center efficiency, along with the close monitoring of many hardware components, the ultimate and the prime challenge is to keep the temperature of the data center cool.

Data center devices and equipment use a lot of electrical power that dissipates in the form of heat and that heat along with the heat and humidity of the surroundings, cause CPUs, hard drives and other components to slow down or shut down completely in case of overheating. That in turn results in lost data, lost productivity, interruption in services and even damage to the equipment. Keeping a cool temperature is the one thing that all data centers must prioritize, constantly evaluate, and frequently adjust to smoothly run services.

An effective data center cooling system is a critical element of your IT infrastructure. Its sole purpose is to control the power consumption in the data center and keep the environmental conditions suitable for IT equipment. Data center cooling should be a major priority because it is indispensable to keep all equipment running smoothly and safe however it also consumes a lot of resources, also as data is continuously increasing day by day, more burden is placing on the data center's cooling system. Cooling needs are eventually increasing. It is important to allocate an appropriate amount of resources towards cooling. Optimal and economical data center cooling techniques not only ensures lower operational expenditure but it also reduces the burden on equipment cooling mechanism, increasing the life span and uptime of the hardware equipment.

Factors to consider while creating a Cooling System

When it comes to data center cooling design, it does not only require choosing a cooling system and then simply install it without having proper designing. Doing this can lead to several problems. Improve the effectiveness of cooling system by considering the following factors in mind:

Right Infrastructure

A small scale cooling system can lessen the operational capability whereas an oversized infrastructure can enhance the operational expenditures. So designing a proper infrastructure is mandatory to smoothly run the services.

Proper Component Placement

Improper placement of racks and equipment can reduce the airflow, affecting cooling systems efficiency. To increase cooling system’s efficiency, Place your components while considering your infrastructure.

Proper Floor Planning

Appropriate floor planning can maximize the required airflow needed to effectively run the cooling system.

Implement a Hot-Aisle/Cold-Aisle Configuration

Removing the hot air from the area before it spreads out. Separate out the hot and cold air by placing the fronts of racks in front of each other to create a cold aisle and backs facing each other creating a hot aisle.

Maintain Organized Cables

Poor cable management reduces airflow. Tangled cables substantially block airflow, having more load on the cooling system. Avoid these cabling issues by moving your cables to overhead cable managers and using high-capacity cable managers inside enclosures, minimizing the tangle.

Plan for Your Racks

Having an optimized server rack plan is critical to your overall data center power consumption and expenses. Rack accessories should place in such an arrangement that does not hinder the air ingress or egress. You should select and place the racks that best suited to your needs.

Therefore applying data center cooling best practices and implementing eco-friendly, energy efficient cooling technique is extremely important. This will ensure all hardware equipment performs well as needed and expected while guarantee constant service delivery. The best way to operate is to keep structured cabling, proper floor planning, and select the racks best suited to your needs and then design the room around them.

StarWind proactive support

As cooling is the most important factor in data center operations, you have to be alert 24/7 to ensure the required temperature. StarWind proactive support can help you to constantly monitor the cooling system in order to avoid any overheating and other issues before they occur and cause a major hazard. Due to their continuous monitoring, they get an alert instantly in case of any issue and reaches out to you to resolve it.

StarWind proactive support offers you following benefits:

  • Service Availability
  • Data Security
  • Time-Saving
  • Peace of Mind


In this article, you must be well aware of the factors which are very important while designing a well maintained cooling system for data center that is more energy efficient, keep the temperature cool and mitigate the risk of equipment failure.

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