Rocket Division Software

StarBurn SDK 7.2.20 released
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Author:  anton (staff) [ Mon Apr 02, 2007 8:06 pm ]
Post subject:  StarBurn SDK 7.2.20 released

Ladies and Gentlemen,

StarBurn SDK Version 7.2.20 released. List of fixes/updates since last build (7.1.10)

1) Now StarBurn SDK comes with SPTD transport. It's set of filter drivers allowing to bypass any broken SCSI filter. Burning should be ROCK solid from now. Take a look at FindDeviceExEx sample (GUI samples would be updated a bit later).

2) GUI samples fixed and re-worked. Lots of bugs fixes since previous very first new UI samples release. However more work would follow :)

3) Finally JStarBurn.dll and whole Java wrapper for StarBurn SDK is shipped with the core thing. Burning from Java never has been so easy!

4) StarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber_GetDiscFileSystem(...) API call added. It's possibly to recognize disc file system from now.

5) StarBurn_CorrectISO9660Name_Default(...) and StarBurn_CorrectJolietName_Default(...) API calls added. Default name mangling for name collision is trivial from now.

6) StarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber_ReadCooked(...) and StarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber_ReadRaw(...) API calls added. Now it's possible to read cooked and raw logical blocks from CD/DVD/Blu-Ray/HD-DVD media "by hands". If built-in grabbers do not work for you in some way.

7) CloseSession(...) code updated to do special close for PIONEER 112 and ASUS 1608 (PIONEER clone) devices.

8) StarBurn core bugfixes.

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