#1 Burning Software

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 23, 2004 8:29 am 
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Joined: Tue Jan 13, 2004 12:14 pm
Posts: 40
For Immediate Release

Rocket Division Software [info@rocketdivision.com]


Rocket Division Software has announced the availability of the updates for companyÒs leading iSCSI solutions StarWind (iSCSI target) and StarPort (iSCSI initiator). New version 2.4.2 addresses number of issues found in the previous releases and brings new level of support for SPTI devices and cluster operations. The solutions provide the easier ever way to organize the cluster using the standard hardware.

StarWind is an iSCSI target (server-side) product. This software combined with StarPort iSCSI initiator (or any iSCSI initiator iSCSI 1.0 compatible) running on client allows you to export any local CD and DVD burners to the network users (all CD and DVD recording applications running on a client side are supported), export local tape drives for backup and restore on client machine (all of the backup software tools running on a client machine are supported), virtual hard disk drives over the network, export whole server storage subsystem over the network at the block level, work with the dynamic volume snapshots, incremental backups and virtual tapes etc. Create RAM disk drives for temporary data storing (Solid-State-Disk emulation). Export standard CDI, ISO and MDS images as network virtual CD and DVD drives. More information can be found at http://www.rocketdivision.com/wind.html

StarPort is an iSCSI initiator (client) product. This software combined with StarWind iSCSI target running on server (or any iSCSI target confirming iSCSI 1.0 standard can be used) allows you to burn to remote CD and DVD burners over the network (all CD and DVD recording applications are supported), backup and restore to remote tape drives (all of the backup software tools are supported), work with remote virtual hard disk drives over the network, backup whole server storage subsystem over the network, work with the dynamic volume snapshots, incremental backups and virtual tapes etc. Create RAM disk drives for temporary data storing. Mount standard CDI, ISO and MDS images as virtual CD and DVD drives. More information can be found at http://www.rocketdivision.com/port.html

About Rocket Division Software: Rocket Division Software is rapidly growing company providing cutting-edge system-software solutions for Windows NT/2000/XP/2003 and various UNIXes. We're positioning as a provider of the top-notch, high-performance technologies for the data storage and networking industry. Our "know how" and development services cover a wide range of existing and emerging storage and networking technologies, such as: CD/DVD recording and mastering, iSCSI virtual storage, local and network file system design. Rocket Division Software can be contacted at

Rocket Division Software

22th of October, 2004

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